About Us

Welcome to Zeal!

We started our clothing brand with a goal to spread the Kingdom Of God. Jesus's first words when he started his ministry were "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (read Matthew 4:17) our goal is to spread the message that Christ left us. His ministry consisted of teaching us to repent, turn from sin and turn to God. The next step is to turn to God, don't just repent, but turn to God. Afterwards, See the Kingdom, take your share (blessings, ownership) of the Kingdom. God doesn't want us to share the Kingdom if we ourselves have not taken our own share (ownership). Once you have received your share, then you share the Kingdom. Spread the Kingdom of Heaven (the same Gospel Jesus preached). Lastly, Serve the Kingdom of Heaven, the Bible teaches in 1 Peter 4:10 to use our gifts to serve one another. The Kingdom Of Heaven will be established on Earth, as it is in Heaven!

Our brand name choice, comes from Zealous, for short we chose Zeal. Meaning: great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. We are a clothing brand that is Zealous for Jesus.

We want to bring you a wonderful shopping experience that will leave you satisfied every time you come in to shop with us! Reminding you of the one true God and encouraging you to share your faith with the world.

For business purposes email us at zealclothing.business@gmail.com